5 Questions Your Are Too Embarrassed To Ask Your OB/GYN

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5 Questions Your Are Too Embarrassed To Ask Your OB/GYN

Women of all ages, from all social circles, and cultures find discussions, questions or issues surrounding a visit to their ob/gyn uncomfortable. Mothers find it difficult to know when is the right time to discuss with their daughter’s their monthly cycle. Friends are tentative about raising these personal issues with each other. Women are nervous about approaching their own ob/gyns with questions about their personal care.


Asking your doctor about pain during sexual intercourse is number one on the list. Most women may believe that it is someone’s fault why they may be experiencing pain. However, overcoming that fear will give your doctor the ability to give you many answers that can shed light on the issue.


Your precious baby girl is growing way too fast. The longer we bury our heads in the sand, the more time we grant their peers and social media license to lie to our babies. The questions on your mind are valid and important. Is she growing too fast? We have all read that maturity is happening faster due to the processed foods we are eating. Ask the question, there could be a valid medical reason for her quickly maturing body. When should I discuss her monthly cycle? Your ob/gyn maybe able to narrow that window for you, so you can prepare your self emotionally and to find the right words to explain what is happening to her body.


Yes! It is said that 45 is the new 30, but no one gave menopause the memo. It is still happening and we have to be prepared. You look amazing and are mentally sharper than ever, but you still need all the questions answered about menopause. It does not mean you will lose your edge, or your youthful feeling if you just face the embarrassing questions. Your ob/gyn knows your body and what you may experience. She can give you tips about exercise or what foods to avoid.


We all want to know if our drive for intimacy with our partner will stop or slow down. Our parents never talked about it. We want to know how long we will have that special feeling for our partner. Your ob/gyn knows your body and other factors that can help you know what to expect in the bedroom for your golden years. She can share her professional experiences and medical knowledge to help allay our fears.

Losing Our Intimacy

We may think this is not a question for our Ob/gyn. However awkward it is our ob/gyn can answer questions about why we are not as active as before or have as much desire as before. There could be medical reasons, such as hormones, that could explain or they discuss options that we may not know.

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