How Do I Know if Labiaplasty Is Right for Me?

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How Do I Know if Labiaplasty Is Right for Me_

One of the most uncomfortable effects of aging for women is changes to their labia. The labia is the skin that surrounds the genital area, and there is an inner and outer portion. As this skin loses its elasticity, it begins to sag and cause discomfort, including during sexual intercourse. While some women don’t suffer too much from a stretched labia, other women find it unbearable. Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN treats the latter women with labiaplasty. Here’s what it is to help you determine if it’s right for you.

Labiaplasty Basics

Labiaplasty is different from vaginal rejuvenation. Vaginal rejuvenation uses ultrasonic radio frequencies to boost collagen growth in genital tissue; labiaplasty is an actual surgical procedure. Labiaplasty is only performed when the labia minora (the inner labia) or the labia majora (the outer labia) have stretched so far that the only way to reduce the length of the labia is to cut it.

Patients Who Qualify for Labiaplasty

Aging isn’t the only thing that stretches and enlarges the labia. Childbirth, genetics, and sexual activity can also stretch out this delicate skin. Patients who qualify for labiaplasty are more than just embarrassed by the changes in their genital area appearance, although this is a huge consideration for those who would like the treatment. They also suffer from

  • Increased urinary tract infections
  • The inability to keep their genital area clean
  • Painful sexual intercourse
  • Pain when exercising or engaging in other physical activity
  • Genital pain when sitting down
  • A labia that gets caught in tight clothing

A stretched labia can make normal activities very difficult because it literally gets in the way of sitting down or wearing underwear. Once the labia is stretched, there is no amount of exercise or non-invasive treatment that will shrink the labia back to its original size. This is why labiaplasty has become such a popular procedure; it helps restore the look of the genital area and reduce pain and discomfort.

How Labiaplasty Is Done

There are two primary ways labiaplasty can be done: trim or wedge. How the labia has stretched helps determine which procedure is the better choice. Trim labiaplasty cuts away the excess labia minora to make it even with labia majora again. Wedge labiaplasty cuts a wedge out of the labia minora’s thickest part to ensure the vagina retains a natural look. There are other less common forms of labiaplasty, too.

If you would like to discuss labiaplasty further, call Eagles Landing OB/GYN in Stockbridge, GA, to schedule an appointment with one of our surgeons.

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