How Does Perimenopause Affect Your Health?

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Perimenopause doesn’t affect every woman in exactly the same way. But Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN also knows that the ways that it can tend to affect women can be a little bit unnerving. You might even be concerned that the health issues that flare up during perimenopause are permanent and will haunt you well after menopause ends. That isn’t necessarily the case. These are just a few of the ways that perimenopause can affect your health.

Irregular Periods Could Be an Issue

Part of what happens with uneven hormones is that ovulation isn’t on the same schedule as it used to be. That might mean that your periods are longer, that there’s more time in between periods, or that your flow is dramatically different from what you’re used to experiencing. This can be frustrating and might even have you worried at points.

You Might Have Trouble Sleeping

Those hormones don’t just mess with your periods. They also mess with things like your sleep. You might find that you have trouble falling asleep or that you sleep soundly at first, but then wake up periodically throughout the night. Sleep deprivation brings other issues with it, so it’s important to try to find a way to get the sleep that you need.

You Might Have Trouble Concentrating

Brain fog, or trouble concentrating, is another way that perimenopause affects your health. When it’s more difficult to make decisions or to pay attention to what’s going on around you, that can cause you to do things like make poor eating choices. This kind of issue has a more subtle impact on your health, but it’s there.

Depression Could Make an Appearance

Many women going through perimenopause find that they’re experiencing depression and other mood issues, sometimes for the first time ever. Feeling a persistent sadness or hopelessness is a common sign of depression, but there are others. It’s not something that you have to just put up with, either.

Other Health Issues Might Become More Pronounced

Other health issues that you may have had under control, like your cholesterol levels, may suddenly feel out of control again. You might have bone loss or develop new health issues, like bladder issues due to hormonal changes. These issues can be incredibly frustrating, but many do have treatment options.

If you’re experiencing hormonal fluctuations due to perimenopause, Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN in Stockbridge, GA can help. Give us a call to schedule an appointment right away.

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