Five Tips for Dealing with PMS

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Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN knows how frustrating it can be to experience painful PMS symptoms, especially when those painful symptoms are paired with mood swings, irritability, and fatigue. There might be more you can do to start feeling better at every stage of your cycle.

Double Check Your Diet

What you eat really does make a big difference in how you feel, especially around that time of the month. Eating a diet that is low in processed foods and excess sugar, in particular, can help a lot. Sugary foods can contribute to mood crashes and even trouble with digestion, which may leave you feeling bloated.

Consider a Regular Exercise Routine

When you exercise regularly, that helps your body to be better prepared for hormonal changes. Choose an exercise routine that you enjoy, because that means you’ll be more likely to stick with it. Getting at least a little movement in every day can leave you with huge benefits.

Make Time for Relaxation

Don’t forget to give yourself some time to just be. It’s not uncommon at all to be absolutely scrambling from the moment you get up until bedtime with appointments and obligations. Making sure that you have some time every day to just relax can be a huge help, especially when your hormones start shifting during your cycle.

Check How Vices Affect Your Cycle

You might also want to start paying attention to how your vices affect how you feel, especially during your cycle. Smoking has a ton of health impacts, but it can also make PMS worse. Drinking a little too much alcohol or caffeine can also affect how you feel right before and during your period. Cutting back or quitting altogether might be something you need to do. Try keeping a symptom journal to see if this is something for you.

Consider Supplements

Supplements might also be helpful for you but talk to your doctor before you start randomly taking them. If you’re low in certain vitamins and minerals, that can affect how your body reacts as your hormone levels change. Changing up your diet can also help you to get more of the vitamins and minerals that you need.

Still, having trouble with PMS? Lots of women do. Give us a call at Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN in Stockbridge, GA to set up an appointment. We can talk to you about what you’re experiencing and how we can help you to get a handle on your PMS symptoms.

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