How Should You Do a Breast Self-exam?

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Performing a breast self-exam is something that everyone with breasts should do on a regular basis, preferably monthly. The self-exam is one of the best ways to detect changes in breast tissue early, especially if you have a family history of breast cancer. Here’s what Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN recommends.

Look at Your Breasts in a Mirror

To start, stand in front of a mirror with your shirt and bra off. Put your hands on your hips and face the mirror straight on. What you’re looking for are any changes in the shape or size of your breasts, including anything such as puckering or dimpling where there hasn’t been any before. Raise your arms over your head and look for the same types of changes from this new position. Before you move on to the next step, pay attention also to whether you’re seeing any discharge from your nipples or anywhere else on each breast.

Lie Down and Examine Your Breasts

Next, you’re going to want to lie down and examine your breasts. Put one arm behind your head and use the opposite hand to examine the breast on that side of your body. Using just the pads of your fingers, gently press into the breast tissue. It helps if you follow a set pattern either in from the outer edge or starting from the center and working your way out. What you’re looking for are any lumps or bumps that feel unusual. If you experience any tenderness, make note of where you feel that discomfort. Reverse the process for your other breast.

Examine Your Breasts While Standing

Finally, you’re going to want to stand up again and perform the same process of touching each breast and feeling for lumps, changes, or tenderness. You’re going to want to raise your arm over your head and again examine your breast with the opposite hand. This might be a little more difficult than when you were lying down, though. Many women find it to be easier to do this part of the self-exam in the shower with soap.

If you need help getting started with breast self-exams or you’ve found something that you want to have checked, give us a call at Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN in Stockbridge, GA. Early detection is the key to early treatment, and it’s always best to make sure that anything that seems or feels different is checked out right away.

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