What Can You Do about Hormonal Headaches?

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Do you find yourself experiencing horrible headaches around the same point in your cycle every month? If so, you’re likely dealing with hormonal headaches and they’re no joke. Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN has some ideas for solutions that might help to ease the pain a bit.

Try Mindfulness or Relaxation Exercises

Relaxation and mindfulness exercises, like deep breathing or meditation, might help you to ease any tension that is contributing to the headaches. These exercises can help all month long, too, especially if stress is contributing to hormonal imbalances you might be experiencing. It’s not always easy to feel like you’re doing these exercises right, but practice definitely helps.

Lie Down in a Dark Room

When a headache does strike, it can help if you seek out a dark room where you can lie down. If you’ve got an eye mask, that can help as well. Sometimes being around too much light just adds sensations that you really don’t need as you battle a headache and reducing that exposure can help other techniques to do their work.

Use a Cool Cloth or Ice Pack on Your Head or Neck

It can also be a good idea to try an ice pack or even just a cold, damp cloth on your head or neck to relieve headache pain. You can use these on the back of your neck, along your shoulders, or on your forehead or temple to help ease the pain. Make sure that you don’t place ice directly on your skin, because that can cause additional pain. Wrap ice in a towel or washcloth to offer a buffer to protect your skin.

Consider Over-the-counter Medications

If you can take them, over-the-counter headache medications may do some good. Some people find that OTC pain relievers don’t offer much help in the face of hormonal headaches, but they’re worth a shot. These can also help with other pain you might be experiencing, like menstrual cramps, especially if those other pains are just making your headache feel even worse.

The good news is that you don’t have to just suffer with hormonal headaches. Give us a call at Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN in Stockbridge, GA and set up an appointment. We can help you to determine what’s contributing to these hormonal headaches and put together a plan that truly works for you. You may be closer than you think to having a solution for your hormonal headache pain.

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