Four Tips for Taking an Action-Oriented Approach to Breast Cancer

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Every October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and according to statistics from, one in eight people are at risk of developing breast cancer at some point in their lives. Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN wants to help you to be as proactive as you can be about your breast cancer risks.

Learn as Much as Possible about Your Family History

Your family history of all types of illnesses is important, but it can be especially important in terms of all types of cancer, including breast cancer. One big problem that people can run into is not having relatives who are still able to help piece together family history. If you are lucky enough to have access to family members, though, talk about what you know and what they know. There may be more information available than you think.

Talk to Your Doctor about Annual Mammograms

The American Cancer Society recommends mammograms starting at 40 years of age, but there might be factors that could cause your doctor to suggest that you get them sooner than that. Talk with your doctor about whether annual mammograms are right for you. If you do have a family history of breast cancer, there may be other tests your doctor recommends as well.

Look at Lifestyle Changes Meant to Boost Overall Health

Breast cancer prevention is a whole-body endeavor. Looking for ways to keep yourself healthy and hale overall may help to reduce your risk of developing breast cancer. Gradually increasing your activity levels, making sure you’re primarily eating a healthy diet, and getting plenty of rest should top your list of lifestyle changes to implement.

Perform Self-exams Monthly and Report Changes to Your Doctor

Another factor in being proactive in terms of breast cancer is to start doing monthly self-exams if you aren’t already. This can be something you do quickly in the shower every month or more often if you have higher risk factors. If you do notice changes in how your breasts look for feel, talk to your doctor right away. Ideally, those changes aren’t because of anything serious, but early detection means better results in terms of an early cure.

Let Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN in Stockbridge, GA be your partner in health regarding breast cancer and other potential health risks. Give us a call today to set up an appointment and we’ll talk about your health, your risk factors, and what you can do now.

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