Five Helpful Habits that Can Reduce Hormonal Night Sweats

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If you’ve ever woken up in the middle of the night sweating, you know how not fun that is. When the cause is hormonal, that can be even more frustrating. Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN has some tips that can help you to deal with hormonal night sweats.

Establish a Nighttime Routine

Having a soothing routine before bed can make a huge difference when you’re trying to sleep well at night. Consider reducing exposure to blue light at night. Another idea you can consider is to make sure that you are going to sleep and waking up around the same times every day. Some people find that taking melatonin supplements at the right time can be helpful, too.

Exercise Regularly

Getting the right amount of movement in every day can be helpful as well. You don’t necessarily have to start a complicated exercise routine. Talk with your doctor about how much movement is right for you and then find movement you like doing. That will help you to stick with it.

Choose Cool Night Clothes and Bedding

If you’re choosing clothing to sleep in that’s a little snug or that is made of materials that trap heat, night sweats can be even worse. Look for sleep clothing and bedding made from natural fibers, like cotton, and make sure that the clothes are loose enough to be comfortable and to allow your skin to breathe. This also helps to reduce any trapped heat that can make night sweats worse.

Consider a Fan at Night

Using a fan at night is something that a lot of people do for white noise and just to keep air circulating. If you’ve never tried one yourself, you might find it helpful, especially in terms of helping you to manage night sweats. Even a small oscillating fan on low can help a bit.

Watch out for Triggers

There might be other triggers you could avoid, too. Some of those include avoiding caffeine, either past a certain time of day or at all. The same is true for alcohol. Keeping a food diary can help you to see if things like spicy foods are a possible trigger for you as well.

There are a ton of different factors that can affect hormonal night sweats. Contact us today at Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN in Stockbridge, GA to see how we can help you to get a handle on this uncomfortable situation.

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