What Do You Need to Know about HPV?

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Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is more than just one virus. It’s important to understand as much as possible about HPV in case you find that you’re dealing with this family of viruses. Here’s some information that Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN hopes you find helpful. 

What Is HPV?

HPV is an extremely common virus that both men and women can contract. While talked about as one type of virus, there are over 100 different kinds of HPV and many affect various different areas of the body. Around a third of HPV types affect the genitals of both men and women. Some can lead to cancer, but most do not. Most people don’t know that they’re infected with HPV, which means it’s important to know as much as you can about this virus.

Causes of HPV

HPV that affects the genitals is spread through sexual contact. That means that it’s a sexually transmitted disease, or an STD. All forms of sexual contact, including oral sex, can transmit HPV from one person to another. For women, the pap smear is the most common way that HPV infections are discovered. Abnormalities in cervical cells are often caused by HPV infections.


One of the frustrating aspects of HPV is that there are very rarely any symptoms. The virus can remain dormant for months or even years after the initial infection. Some of the types of HPV can cause genital warts, which may prompt someone to seek treatment. But unfortunately, if there are no symptoms, most people never realize that they even have any form of HPV.

Treating HPV

Another frustrating aspect of HPV is that there’s no real cure for the virus. Many forms of HPV end up going away by themselves due to the actions of the immune system fighting the virus off. This is another reason so many people never realize that they’ve contracted HPV. In the case of genital warts caused by HPV, these can be frozen and removed, cut away, or removed with prescription topical medications.

Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN in Stockbridge, GA can help you to deal with HPV or any other health issues you encounter. If you see or feel something that seems odd or just not right, don’t ignore your suspicions. We can help you to determine what you’re dealing with and recommend a treatment plan that helps you to be as healthy as possible. You don’t have to go through something like HPV on your own.

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