Why Are Hormones So Important?

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Hormones are the controlling factor in most of what happens within the human body. Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN wants you to have a better understanding of what hormones are and what they do. As well as why hormones are such a problem when they stop working the way that you expect them to work.

What Do Hormones Do?

Hormones are a part of your body’s endocrine system. They’re chemicals that take messages throughout your entire body. Most people think of hormones in relation to sexual development and reproduction, but they’re involved in literally every system of the body. Diabetes, for instance, is an endocrine disorder because insulin is a hormone. When hormones aren’t able to do their job of taking important messages where they need to go, that impacts overall health.

Hormones throughout the Body

Hormones are created in a variety of glands throughout the body. These glands then secrete the hormones in response to specific functions. Some of these glands include:

  • Adrenal 
  • Thyroid
  • Pancreas
  • Pituitary
  • Hypothalamus
  • Pineal
  • Ovaries

Each gland produces different hormones that perform different tasks. That’s why when hormones are out of sync or produced in incorrect amounts, problems occur.

Hormones and Menstrual Health

Puberty is when sex hormones start to be released in the body, which affects things like growth of hair in new spots and the beginning of menstruation. These hormones include estrogen, estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone. Throughout your life, those hormones continue their jobs, and they ebb and flow. At times, those hormone levels may seem to be out of balance, which can cause reproductive health issues, like missed periods or ovulation difficulties. Menopause occurs when hormone production is stopping.

Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy involves treating hormone imbalances in order to relieve symptoms. This can be beneficial in all sorts of health issues, but most people hear about hormone therapy in relation to treating menopause. Hormonal issues can cause a great deal of discomfort, and hormone therapy offers a solution that improves quality of life. Getting hormone levels balanced is delicate, and your doctor can help you to find the right solution for your needs.

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