Is My Birth Control Causing Weight Gain?

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Weight gain can be a common concern for people choosing to start hormonal birth control, as it can be one of the most noticeable side effects. And while there’s nothing wrong with gaining a few pounds, it can certainly be an inconvenience to have to buy new clothes, and it can impact your self-confidence. And while some people do gain a few pounds in the first weeks or months after starting on hormonal birth control, research shows that it should not be a significant concern, as it might be a result of water retention that tends to even out as your body adjusts to the new hormone levels. 

What Might Cause Weight Gain

When starting on a new hormonal birth control, your body needs time to adjust to the increase of estrogen and progesterone, both are hormones that might cause weight gain. Progesterone can increase your appetite, and estrogen in high levels leads to water retention. As your body gets used to these hormones, your appetite should even out, as should the water retention. If the side effects persist, be sure to talk to your OB/GYN, and see if there are any lifestyle changes you can make, such as a change in your exercise routine or sticking to an anti-inflammatory diet. 

How To Manage Your Birth Control

Most oral hormonal contraceptives and hormonal patches can increase your hormone levels, and if the side effect of weight gain and appetite increase is becoming too much to handle, you can always talk to your OB/GYN about different options when it comes to birth control. You might be able to try a different pill that has a lower dose of progesterone and estrogen, or could consider an implant or an IUD. Hormonal birth control can do a number on anybody, and you should always discuss with your OB/GYN about the best options and doses for you. Other than weight gain, common side effects include nausea, headaches, acne, and cramps. Talk to your OBGYN about your side effects and what course of action will be best for your body. 

Call Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN

For trusted birth control and help with your reproductive health, come see the trusted team of doctors at Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN. Hormonal weight gain is common, but if you need help discussing your birth control options, we’re here to help. Call or book online for your appointment today! 

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