Tips For Managing Hormonal Hot Flashes

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Tips For Managing Hormonal Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are amongst the most common symptoms of menopause, but that doesn’t mean that they’re always easy to manage! Sometimes it can feel like a hot flash will come at the worst possible time; when you’re at work, in the car, or even at night when you’re trying to get some much needed sleep. And because hot flashes are so uncomfortable and can last for years as your body goes through menopause, you’re going to want to have some ways to manage your hot flashes so that you can keep yourself comfortable and help your stress levels stay down. Thankfully, there are some tips that anyone can follow to help manage hormonal hot flashes.

What Causes Hot Flashes?

Because your body is going through so many changes during the menopausal transition, your hormone levels will decrease, causing sudden hot flashes that can feel unbearable. If your hot flashes are particularly difficult to manage, you can always talk to your doctor about medications or hormone treatment to help you through the stages of menopause.

How You Can Treat and Manage Your Hot Flashes

There are many things that you can do to change up your daily habits and lifestyle to help you manage your hot flashes. Some of the things you can do to help manage your hot flashes include:

  • Dressing in layers that can easily be removed when you’re experiencing a hot flash.
  • Keep a small fan in your office and with you in the house so you can circulate airflow when a hot flash occurs
  • If you smoke, try and quit. Abstaining from cigarette’s not only helps to improve your overall health, but it can help greatly when it comes to managing your hot flashes
  • Stay active and eat well! Maintaining a healthy body weight helps your hot flashes stay manageable.
  • Try and cut back on caffeine and alcohol, as these can often make menopausal symptoms like hot flashes worse.

If your hot flashes don’t improve when you make these changes, you might want to schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss medical or hormonal menopausal treatment.

For Dependable Women’s Healthcare, Come to Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN Today!

If you need help managing your hot flashes or other symptoms of menopause, come see the trustworthy team at Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN! Call to make your appointment today!

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