Signs I Have Low Estrogen Levels

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Signs I Have Low Estrogen Levels

The most common reason why you will end up with a low estrogen level is menopause. Simply put, when you get older, your body does not produce as much estrogen because you have aged beyond child-bearing years. Estrogen levels start to drop during peri-menopause, which most women enter into in their late 30s or early 40s. Here are signs that you have reduced estrogen in your body.

Low Sex Drive

Women with normal levels of estrogen are more inclined to want sex than women with low estrogen. One reason why low estrogen kills your sex drive is that sex becomes painful. Unfortunately, low estrogen means your vagina becomes dry and the walls thin out and get irritated (vaginal atrophy). This can make intercourse a terrible experience. The painful intercourse is called dyspareunia.

Dry/Brittle Skin and Hair

Another thing that dries out if you have low estrogen is your skin and hair. You will notice that your skin is thinner than it used to be. You may think your skin is losing collagen, and it does as you age. Your hair may also get thinner. Unfortunately, changes in your skin and hair also point to low estrogen.

Brittle Bones

Your bones are also going to get brittle when your estrogen levels fall below normal. Consequently, you are more susceptible to broken bones, especially if you live an active lifestyle, which is crucial during peri-menopause and menopause. We may recommend therapy to prevent osteoporosis if needed.


Low estrogen levels can also interfere with your sleep. Consequently, you will feel fatigued and fuzzy-headed during the day. In fact, concentration may become a thing of the past. One reason why your sleep will be disrupted is night sweats. Estrogen levels below normal also cause these and hot flashes.


The combination of the above can leave you feeling irritable and moody. You may also feel as if you are going to cry all the time or you may cry all the time. Low estrogen levels affect your mood. Consequently, unless you replace the estrogen, you may suffer from depressive behavior.

Period Problems

Have you been suffering from headaches before your period lately? Do you get headaches during your period? These headaches can be caused by a reduction in the estrogen your body is producing. In addition, as the estrogen level continues to decrease, you will experience irregular periods that will eventually stop for good. You are in menopause once you’ve gone a year without a period.

Weight Gain/Tender Breasts

Finally, if you have gained weight around your belly and/or your breasts hurt all the time, you’re not producing the estrogen you used to produce. Do not panic; this is normal. The important thing is to get your estrogen level tested to see if supplementation will relieve you of these symptoms.

We offer bioidentical hormone therapy that is safer than hormone replacement therapy. Call us today to schedule an appointment if you are suffering from the effects of low estrogen.

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