25 Life Hacks to Help You Eat Better

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25 Life Hacks to Help You Eat Better

Whether you are trying to lose weight, improve your fitness level or just maintain your current good health, it is important to watch what you eat. A diet rich in junk food and sugary snacks is bad for your health, but you do not have to radically change your lifestyle to enjoy a better diet. Here are 25 simple life hacks to help you eat better and enjoy a healthier life.

1. Eat low on the food chain. Stock up on healthy fruits and vegetables and limit the amount of meat on your plate.

2. Stock your snack bowls with nuts, pieces of dried fruit and other healthy items.

3. Do not buy junk food when you shop. Stick to healthy snacks.

4. Learn to cook. Cooking your own meals is a great way to avoid the preservatives found in processed foods.

5. Become a label reader. Knowing what is in your food is important, so learn what all those strange terms mean.

6. Take advantage of nutritional labels when you eat out. Scan the menu for heart-healthy, low-calorie and other better fare when you visit your local restaurant.

7. Choose wisely at fast food joints. You can still take the family out for a fast-food meal, but make wise choices when you order your own food. Many fast food chains now offer fruit, skinless chicken and other healthier fare.

8. Avoid frying your food. Choose broiling, grilling and baking as a healthier alternative to deep frying.

9. Use healthy oils. If you must use oil in your cooking, choose safflower oil, extra virgin olive oil and other healthy alternatives.

10. Cook your meals ahead of time. Cooking your meals in advance can reduce the temptation to stop by the fast food window on your way home from work.

11. Stock your desk with healthy snacks. If you need a mid-morning pick-me-up, just reach for the healthy snacks you packed earlier.

12. Bring your own lunch. Having your own lunch at work will reduce the temptation to go out for less healthy food.

13. Add pureed veggies to your favorite recipes. From pasta sauces to soups, there are countless ways to use pureed vegetables in your meals and snacks.

14. Start the day with a vegetable smoothie. If you have a blender, toss in your favorite veggies and whip up a delicious drink.

15. Stay on schedule. Instead of snacking throughout the day, schedule your meals for set times. You will feel better, and healthier too.

16. Make your own flavored water. Instead of buying flavored water, which can be expensive and unhealthy, make your own with a squeeze of fresh lemon, lime or orange.

17. Carry your water bottle with you. Having your bottled water close at hand will reduce the temptation to reach for a sugar-laden soft drink.

18. Start the day with a healthy breakfast. Skipping breakfast can slow down your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight. Make smart choices for breakfast and start the day out right.

19. Take a walk after dinner. Taking a brisk walk after dinner can boost your metabolism and help you burn off those extra calories.

20. Opt for whole grains. From cereal to bread, whole grain options give you more nutrients per calorie, so skip the white bread and look for healthier alternatives.

21. Stock up on healthy snacks. Buying healthy foods can be expensive, so look for sales and stock up when you can.

22. Shop at the local farmers market. Your local farm market is a bounty of delicious and nutritious food, so grab your shopping basket and get going.

23. Make your own salad. Making your own salad is fun, and it gives you a chance to try out different vegetables.

24. Plant a garden. Growing your own food is a great way to eat healthy, so grab some seeds and choose a suitable plot of ground.

25. Try a new fruit or vegetable every week. Challenge yourself to try a new piece of fruit or a new veggie every week.

Eating healthy does not have to be a struggle. With a few simple changes to your lifestyle, you can eat healthier and enjoy life more.

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