5 Awesome (Free!) Apps for Coping with Anxiety

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5 Awesome (Free!) Apps for Coping with Anxiety

Check Out 5 Awesome (Free!) Apps for Coping with Anxiety

Anxiety affects approximately 40 million adults in the United States, but only about one-third of those who are suffering will seek treatment, and the increased awareness of that fact is reflected in technology. Utilizing digital tools for mental health is becoming increasingly common, due in part to the ease of access. If you don’t have the time or funds to pay for a therapist, support can be found in the palm of your hand. A swath of smartphone apps are available to assist users, and while not a substitute for professional treatment, adding a mental health-related app to your daily routine may help keep your anxiety in check.

Happier–Studies show that cultivating gratitude in your day-to-day life causes you to feel more optimistic, sleep better, and be more productive while also experiencing less stress. The aptly named “Happier” works like a social media gratitude journal, encouraging you to take note of the great aspects that are part of your life and share them with the community. (Available on iOS and Android)

Mindshift–Created with teens and young adults in mind, this app equips users with tools such as relaxation techniques, positive thinking exercises (directed by a male or female voice), and a journaling interface to deal with chronic anxiety. Inspirational quotes are on hand to keep the user’s spirits up. (Available on iOS and Android)

Pacifica–This innovative application helps track your moods and activities over time, which can paint a picture of the types of behaviors that cause a spike in anxiety, including a lack of sleep or poor eating habits. If you’re in the throes of an anxiety attack, Pacifica has guided breathing and muscle relaxation exercises to help bring you back. (Available on iOS and Android)
Day to Day–Designed by a team of researchers at Northwestern University, Day to Day focuses on a different theme each day, and through tips and tricks, users learn to develop a sense of gratitude, increase connectedness, and challenge the thinking errors that propel anxiety. (Available on Android)
Breathe2Relax–Breathing exercises are at the heart of this app, which targets military veterans. Diaphragmatic breathing is an easy-to-learn relaxation skill for controlling trauma-related anxiety, and Breathe2Relax gives you the option of charting your stress level before and after you practice breathing. (Available on iOS and Android)

Remember that these apps are less meant to be a quick pleasure fix, and are intended more to track your mood and help build healthy habits. They are not a substitute for therapy, but they will make your daily struggles a little easier to bear. With these tools in your pocket, you’ll have a new way to fight life’s not-so-great moments.

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