How to Avoid Weight Gain During Menopause

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How to Avoid Weight Gain During Menopause

Menopause is a fact of life, and one that every woman will face at some point. By the time they are in their 50s, the majority of women will already be experiencing some symptoms of menopause, from the infamous night sweats and hot flashes to a reduced libido and changes in mood.

There is another symptom of menopause, one that will impact many women as they get older. That symptom of menopause is weight gain, and it can be a serious problem, especially for women with underlying health conditions like diabetes or heart disease. So how do you fight back against the weight gain that so often accompanies other menopause symptoms? Here are some ideas to help you avoid that unwanted weight gain and stay healthier as you age.

Seek Out New Activities

Menopause can be a difficult time, with mood swings, hot flashes and lots of discomfort. Taking on a new activity at this special time of life can distract you from the physical pain while providing mental and emotional stimulation and support.

Now is the perfect time to join a gym or reconnect with the sport you used to love. Whether you join a local soccer club, sign up for summer softball season or just do some water aerobics at the YWCA, you will have a great time, and the extra calories you burn could keep those extra pounds away.

Learn to Cook

During your peak earning years, you may have been too busy to cook a healthy meal every day. When you were running the kids around to soccer practice and working late at the office, a late afternoon trip to the fast food drive-through was all that you could handle.

Now that retirement is on the horizon and menopause is already here, it is time to rethink your relationship with food. Now is the perfect time to take those cooking lessons and relearn the skills you have lost along the way. Learning to cook is one of the best things you can do for yourself, and your waistline, as you enter menopause. You will feel better, and the healthy meals you create will be good for your entire family.

Talk to Your Doctor

Menopause is something that every woman will experience, and you do not have to suffer alone. If you are worried about gaining weight during menopause, or any of your other menopause symptoms, talk to your doctor.

There are treatments available that can reduce the pain and discomfort of menopause, helping you fight everything from unwanted weight gain and increasing lethargy to decreased interest in sex and wild mood swings. Talk to your doctor today – you can make it through menopause and actually enjoy getting older.

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