Best Ways to Prevent UTI’s

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Best Ways to Prevent UTI's

A urinary tract infection, or UTI, can make going to the bathroom a painful experience and leave you feeling unwell for weeks on end. And while there are effective treatments for UTIs, the best defense is always prevention.

Urinary tract infections can strike people of any age, and both men and women are affected. If you want to stay healthy and pain-free, you need to take some proactive measures to keep those UTIs at bay. Here are some timely tips for preventing urinary tract infections.

Practice Proper Bathroom Hygiene

Preventing urinary tract infection starts with following the proper hygiene, and that all starts in the bathroom. When you go to the bathroom, always wipe from front to back – this reduces the likelihood that bacteria from your colon will enter your urinary tract and trigger an infection.

You should also dry yourself carefully after every trip to the bathroom, and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. These basic hygiene steps can go a long way to preventing urinary tract infections.

Empty Your Bladder Completely

It is important to empty your bladder completely when you go, so stay until you are completely finished. If you feel that you are not emptying your bladder, talk to your doctor.

A number of medical conditions can cause you to not empty your bladder, so talk to your doctor if you experience any problems. The sooner you get help, the sooner you can get on the road to recovery.

Visit the Bathroom Often

You should evacuate your bladder every four hours, so listen to your body and be ready to head to the bathroom. If you are not going every four hours, you may need to drink more water.

Being dehydrated can increase your risk of a UTI, so drink plenty of water and other healthy fluids. You may need to drink even more during hot weather, so pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you.

Avoid Spermicidal Jelly

If you are sexually active, you need an effective method of birth control, but using spermicidal jelly could increase your risk for a urinary tract infection. There are other kinds of birth control on the market, so avoiding spermicidal jelly should not be much of an issue.

If you have ever had a UTI, you know how painful it can be. The best way to avoid the pain is to prevent the infection, and that starts with the tips listed above.

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