The Most Effective Help For Anxiety

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The Most Effective Help For Anxiety

Anxiety affects all kinds of people from all walks of life. Whether you’ve recently been experiencing symptoms of anxiety or it’s something you’ve dealt with for a long time, there are several ways you can try to manage the condition. Without help, anxiety can become debilitating, costing you relationships, your career, and most importantly, your peace of mind. If you’re not sure how to get help for your anxiety, read on for some of the most effective methods you can use to manage it.


For many, medication is the only way they can keep their anxiety levels in check. Most medicines specifically designed for anxiety help up to 50-percent of patients who use them regularly. Even if the medicine is not a cure-all, it can help you feel more relaxed and think more clearly. Most doctors will prescribe medication for your anxiety if they diagnose you with it, and the pills do all the work for you by working with your body. It’s important to note that not everyone responds well to anxiety medication, and the other 50-percent of patients do not respond. Another downside is that you must continue to take the medication in order for you to manage your anxiety symptoms.


Some people who have mild to moderate anxiety respond well to therapy. Whether you choose to see a personal therapist or you’d rather engage in group therapy, this can help you express your feelings and learn how to manage your anxiety better. In conjunction with medication, therapy can be the “missing link” that helps you cope with everyday life. Talk to your doctor and ask about a referral to a therapist or psychiatrist who can help you address the feelings you’re experiencing. Group therapy is an excellent way to deal with anxiety and it helps you realize that you’re not alone.


If you’re just starting to notice that you may have anxiety, there are things you can do on your own to make it more tolerable. Consider getting regular exercise and eat a healthy diet. When you exercise, you can “burn off” the excess stress that comes along with anxiety. Practice meditation and deep breathing to help keep your nerves in check. Learn about CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy. This form of therapy helps to change the way you think in order to deal with stressful situations better. Whether you need medication, professional help, or self-help, there are plenty of things you can do to be proactive about managing your anxiety.

Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN in Stockbridge, GA wants you and your family to thrive. For any questions or concerns regarding pregnancy, parenting or related issues, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 770-474-1919.

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