Best Ways to Combat Hot Flashes

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Best Ways to Combat Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are no fun. Anyone who has ever lived through hot flashes – especially over a period of time – knows this firsthand.

Hot flashes happen when there is an influx of sudden heat that may also be accompanied by excessive blushing or sweating followed by cold chills – all in a matter of seconds. Then it’s over.

As women experience different stages of the menopause journey, it is a common expectation to experience hot flashes. This is a medical condition that is a result of hormonal changes in a woman’s body during the menopausal phase. The hormonal imbalances that a woman may already suffer from, including mood swings, fatigue, or hair loss, makes a discomforting situation even more agitating with hot flashes.

Whether you rely on natural remedies, herbal treatments, or doctor prescribed medications, below are five tips to help ease the side effects of hot flashes.

  • Recognize triggers and avoid them: Know your body and understand what triggers your personal hot flashes. Keep a daily journal of your foods and activities so you can gauge things that may contribute to the onset of a hot flash.
  • Opt for a healthier lifestyle: Routine exercise can help relieve stress and reduce the frequency and impact of hot flashes when they do occur. Shedding excessive weight helps reduce hot flash episodes, so now is a good time to get in shape.
  • Consider your wardrobe: Although you may not be able to avoid a hot flashes all together, wearing synthetic material like cotton or silk can make them more bearable.
  • Try vitamin therapy: Taking vitamins can also be an effective, inexpensive way to reduce the occurrence of hot flashes. Vitamin E has been shown to have a positive impact on the lessening of occurrences and the duration of hot flashes.

Want more help managing your hot flashes? Give the team at Eagle’s Landing Ob/Gyn a call at (770)- 474-1919 for an appointment.

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