Best Ways to Increase Libido

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Best Ways to Increase Libido

If your sex drive isn’t what it used to be, you are not alone. Many people experience symptoms of a low libido, or sex drive, in their lifetime. For some, a low sex drive can be remedied with lifestyle changes like healthy eating, exercise and vitamins. However, some people require more stringent remedies like over-the-counter drugs or prescription strength supplements.

Here are a few simple yet effective methods you can try to nourish your adrenals and boost your libido.

If you have low libido and would like to explore solutions, give the team at Eagle’s Landing Ob/Gyn a call at (770)-474-1919 to schedule a consultation.

Drink in moderation: Reducing anxiety and stress one drink can help get you in the mood for sex, but too much alcohol can actually have the opposite effect.

Try aphrodisiacs: Love potions aren’t real, but aphrodisiacs like oysters are good because they contain antioxidants and zinc which is ideal for sexual function.

Quit smoking: Smoking has a negative effect on the blood flow to sexual organs which causes the blood vessels to narrow. It also decreases your stamina.

Get fit: Routine exercise helps improve blood flow to sexual organs. It also helps you feel good about yourself, which in turn, helps improve libido.

Eat right: Poor overall health ultimately means low or no sex drive. Eating fruit each day and taking vitamins as well as antioxidants ensures adequate blood flow to the sex organs.

Get a massage: Stressed out? That’s one good reason why libido can be consistently low. Various massage techniques can boost sexual arousal, so give it a try.

Give gingko biloba a try: Made from the leaves of a gingko biloba tree, this herbal remedy improves blood flow to sexual organs and is believed to enhance desire, excitement and orgasms.

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