Birth Control Patch Side Effects

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There are rare and serious side effects that are associated with the birth control patch. The patch can increase your risk of developing blood clots, having a heart attack or stroke, getting liver cancer, gallbladder disease, or high blood pressure. If you are at risk for any of these conditions, such as genetically being predisposed to them, we do not recommend that you use the birth control patch for your form of birth control. This patch also comes with minor side effects. Here is what they are.

Abdominal Pain

Some of our patients experience mild abdominal pain when they are prescribed the birth control patch. If this pain persists, we recommend a different form of birth control or a lower dosage.

Acne/Skin Irritation

Some women also experience acne or other forms of skin irritation when they use the birth control patch. Specifically, the skin can get irritated underneath the patch if it is sensitive.


You may end up with bleeding or spotting between your periods for the first few months that you have the patch. This issue should resolve itself. Call us right away if it does not.

Breast Tenderness/Fluid Retention

Unfortunately, the birth control patch can cause you to retain fluid that will make you feel bloated and your breasts tender. This feels exactly like the fluid retention that you get before you menstruate.


In rare cases, the birth control patch can make you feel dizzy or make you faint. We recommend that you remove the patch and call us right away if you are experiencing problems with dizziness or fainting.


Because the birth control patch affects your body’s hormone production, you may find that you get headaches frequently. This side effect is particularly common if you tend to get headaches before your period.

Mood Swings/Fatigue

Some women also experience mood swings and/or fatigue when they are on the birth control patch. You may feel overly emotional or find that your temper is much shorter.

Muscle Spasms

In rare cases, muscle spasms can be associated with the birth control patch. This can make you extremely uncomfortable, especially if your muscles start to cramp severely.


Any form of birth control can make you feel nauseous. In severe cases, you may also suffer from vomiting and diarrhea. Again, call us right away if you feel nauseous after putting on the birth control patch.

Painful Periods

Muscle cramps are what make your periods painful. As such, you may feel an increase in pain when you are menstruating because the birth control patch is making your muscles cramp harder.

Vaginal Discharge/Infections

Some women experience excess vaginal discharge or become more prone to vaginal infections when they are on the birth control patch. The most common infection is a yeast infection.

Weight Gain

Finally, the birth control patch may cause you to gain some weight. This can also happen when you are on the birth control pill or other hormone therapies.

Call us today if you are experiencing any of the side effects listed above. It may be that the birth control patch is not for you. We may recommend another form of birth control.

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