Can My Birth Control Affect My Period?

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With so many birth control options to choose from, you want to make sure you’re getting the one that’s best for your body and lifestyle, and have the least unpleasant side effects. A common side effect many people experience when taking hormonal birth control is an irregular menstrual cycle, which can lead to effects in the length of your period, the time between each cycle, and even the loss of a period altogether. So in order to know if your birth control can affect your period, read up on the most common birth control methods, and always be mindful of your menstrual cycle if you’re sexually active.

Oral Contraceptives

No matter what birth control pill you are taking, there is a chance of spotting and irregular periods as a side effect due to the hormones in the pill. This side effect is more common if you have a progestin only pill, rather than a pill that has a combination of progestin and estrogen.

Hormonal and Copper IUDs

Hormonal IUDs, or intrauterine devices, administer localized hormones to just your uterus and may cause irregular or lighter periods. Comparatively, copper IUDs can often cause your period to get heavier, last longer, and be more painful, though these side effects can subside within 3 to 6 months.

Single Use Birth Control

Single use non-hormonal birth control like condoms will not affect your period and are amongst the best birth control options when it comes to side effects. Condoms will have no hormonal side effects and are also the only birth control that will protect your from STIs. You can use condoms on their own, or with other hormonal birth control for extra protection against pregnancy and infection.

When to Talk to Your Doctor

If you’re concerned about the length or heaviness of your period, you should talk to your doctor and ask if there may be other birth control options available. And for the best women’s healthcare in Stockbridge, GA, come straight to Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN!

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