The Different Colors of Vaginal Discharge and Their Meanings

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The Different Colors of Vaginal Discharge and Their Meanings

Vaginal discharge is normal, but it can also be a sign of a minor or serious problem. Naturally, your uterus releases red discharge out of the vagina when you are menstruating. The red color is caused by the blood and pelvic lining in the discharge. We are going to talk more about vaginal discharge below so you know when it is normal and when you should be concerned.

Red Discharge

Red discharge is normal during menstruation, but there are times when red discharge is abnormal. These times include in between your menstrual cycle and after menopause. Unfortunately, bleeding during these times can be a sign of cervical or uterine cancer. It can also be a sign of hemorrhaging.

Pink Discharge

You may experience spotting before your menstrual cycle that looks like pink discharge. You may also end up with a little bit of pink discharge after intercourse if the sexual experience tore the vaginal walls or irritated the cervix. Pink discharge can also occur after you have ovulated each month.

White Discharge

Your natural discharge may be white or light yellow. If nothing is wrong, the discharge will be thin and odorless. If the discharge smells foul and has the consistency of cottage cheese, you likely have a yeast infection. Although there are OTC medications available for yeast infections, it’s a good idea to see an OB/GYN for a proper diagnosis before using them. This ensures you get the correct treatment.

Yellowish-Green Discharge

Yellow, dark yellow, yellowish-green, or green discharge can be a sign of a more serious infection. Usually, this color of vaginal discharge means that you have a bacterial infection or a sexually transmitted disease. The discharge will also be thick and clumpy and have a foul odor to it.

Gray Discharge

If you are suffering from bacterial vaginosis or BV, you may see gray discharge on your underpants. In addition to the odd color, you will also experience vaginal itching and irritation, discharge that has a strong and unpleasant odor to it, and vaginal opening and vulvar redness and irritation.

Clear Discharge

Finally, clear discharge that reminds you of raw egg whites is normal provided, again, it does not smell foul. You may release the clear discharge while you are ovulating, so this is a good time to have intercourse if you are trying to conceive. Sexual arousal also produces clear discharge for lubrication.

Schedule an appointment with us right away if you have unusual vaginal discharge. The sooner we diagnose and treat the problem the better.

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