Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN Offers Help For Handling Holiday Stress

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Eagle's Landing OB/GYN Offers Help For Handling Holiday Stress

Contrary to popular belief, the holidays aren’t everyone’s favorite time of year. Many people suffer from the negative effects of stress over the holiday season, and for some, the effects can be debilitating. If you are one of those persons, there are steps you can take to make it through the holidays relatively unscathed. Mayo Clinic offers the following advice, and we here at Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN couldn’t agree with them more.

Understand You

If you suffer from holiday sadness or stress, look in the mirror and tell yourself it’s okay. You may have lost a loved one recently or your family may have grown apart. It’s normal to feel a little sad during the holiday season, so don’t beat yourself up for it. Rather, identify the sources of your feelings and work toward resolving them in positive and productive ways.

Don’t Be a Hermit

One way to ease the sadness and stress of the holidays is to reach out to others. Get involved in your community and volunteer to help the downtrodden. You’d be surprised how much this will lift your spirits and ease stress. When you see others have it worse than you do, it puts things in better perspective. Plus, you’re interaction makes a positive difference in their holiday season.

Don’t Overdo it, Though

Don’t spread yourself too thin, however, as this will stress you out and make you feel worse. Plan your events carefully on the same calendar so you can see when you’re overbooking yourself, and understand it’s okay to say no when you have to. Give yourself plenty of me-time, too. Even if you’re Santa’s best elf, you still need downtime to decompress the stress.

This Includes Finances and Food

Keep your finances and diet in check as well. Holiday shopping and goodies can get out of control, which leaves people broke and sick. Sit down before the holidays and calculate how much you can spend, and then stick to your budget no matter what. Don’t overindulge in food and drink either. You’ll feel bad about yourself and stressed over weight gain.

The holidays should be the best time of the year, which is why Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN in Stockbridge, GA, recommends these tips to keep your stress and sadness at bay. We take care of patients in Atlanta and are happy to talk with you about your OB/GYN needs or the holiday blues. Give us a call at 770-474-1919 to schedule an appointment with one of our medical professionals, and happy holidays to everyone!

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