Five Big Summer Health Tips for Women

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Summer can be such a fun time of year, especially if you’ve been cooped up for a while. Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN wants you to be as safe and as healthy as you can be this summer, which is why we have these tips for you to follow.

Apply Sunscreen Liberally and Often

Broad-spectrum sunscreens, meaning sunscreen that protects against UVA and UVB rays, is essential for your summer skincare routine. Make sure that you’re applying it early in the day and that you reapply it every couple of hours thereafter, especially if you’re spending any time outside. This protects your skin and ensures that you’re not going to have to deal with bigger problems like burning and peeling.

Drink Lots of Water

Hydration is always important, but it’s even more important when it’s hot out and you’re busy. Make sure that you’re keeping water easily accessible and that you’re sipping it regularly. Keeping yourself properly hydrated can head off heat-related illnesses like heat exhaustion, which can quickly lead to heat stroke.

Keep Exercising, but Avoid Heat and Humidity

You might be tempted to skip workouts, and who could blame you? Heat and humidity are not comfortable and they may make you feel like you’re dragging through your workouts. But there are ways around that. Shifting your workouts to cooler parts of the day can help. It’s really important to make sure you change out of wet workout clothes as soon as you can, because that can reduce the risk of developing yeast infections.

Watch for Mosquitos, Ticks, and Other Creepy Crawlies

Lots of biting pests love hot, humid weather. Mosquitos in particular love standing water and ticks are more prevalent than ever. Be mindful of where you’re walking when you’re outside and make sure to check your skin and your clothing for ticks when you’re ready to come back inside.

Avoid Fragranced Hygiene Products

Hygiene products that are fragranced, especially douches, are a bad idea any time of the year. They can be even more irritating in the summer heat, though. Avoiding these products is going to help to protect the delicate balance in the vagina and surrounding area.

Are you noticing health issues this summer? Don’t wait for them to just go away. Give us a call at Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN in Stockbridge, GA. We can help you to be as healthy as possible so you can enjoy the summer.

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