Four Tips to Prepare for a Pap Smear

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A pap smear is a test that helps to detect cancerous or otherwise abnormal cells in your cervix. This is an important test that Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN recommends you have performed annually. Here are some ways you can prepare for a pap smear, especially if this is your first one.

Ask What to Expect

If you’ve never had a pap smear before, the very idea can be super intimidating. There’s nothing wrong with asking what you should expect when you make your appointment. Understanding the process and what you’re likely to experience can help you to relax about the procedure. In general, you’ll be in an exam room and a nurse will ask you to change into an exam gown. When the doctor comes in, you’ll place your feet in stirrups and the doctor will insert a speculum into your vagina in order to see your cervix. The doctor then uses a swab to collect cells from your cervix to send to the lab.

Don’t Panic about How Everything Looks

Lots of women worry about how they look when they’re getting a pap smear. The good news is that even if you’re feeling self-conscious, no one is there to judge you. Your doctor is there to take some samples of cervical cells so that they can be tested for abnormalities. If you feel better about the appointment after taking care of some grooming beforehand, that’s fine, but don’t feel as if it’s necessary.

Urinate Before the Pap Smear

It’s difficult to relax when you have to urinate and a full bladder may even make it more difficult for you to finish the exam. Most of the time, your doctor’s staff will include a bathroom stop along the way as you’re checking in. Even if you don’t think you have to go, it’s always better to try and possibly check something off the list that could end up making you uncomfortable.

Let Your Doctor Know if This Is Your First Pap Smear

Finally, make sure that you let your doctor know if this is your first pap smear. Your doctor can slow things down a little bit and make sure that all of your questions about pap smears are answered fully. Also, if you experience any discomfort or pain during the pap smear, don’t feel bad about speaking up.

Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN in Stockbridge, GA can be there for you with all of your gynecological needs, including getting a pap smear. Give us a call today and we can set up an appointment for you.

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