How is Breast Cancer Diagnosed?

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How is Breast Cancer Diagnosed?

Breast cancer is one of the most significant health threats women face, and it can be deadly. Treatment options have improved markedly, and breast cancer is own one of the most treatable forms of cancer. Even so, the disease is still responsible for a large number of deaths, and even one death is one too many.

If you want to protect yourself and your health, it is important to know how breast cancer is diagnosed, and what you should be looking for. Here are some tips to protect yourself and the people you love.

Monthly Self-Exam

Every woman should be conducting a monthly breast self-exam, and this self examination could be key to an early diagnosis. You know your body best, and you know what your breasts should feel like.

Take your time to tell the entire surface of the breast, looking for any lumps, bumps or inconsistencies. If you notice any changes to the way your breasts feel, you should contact your doctor right away for a more thorough exam.

Screening Mammograms

While monthly breast self exams are an important first step, they are no substitute for a professionally done mammogram. Screening mammograms are vital for detecting breast cancer in its earliest stages, when the disease is most treatable.

Recommendations vary as to when routing screening mammograms should begin, and there are a number of factors to consider. It is important to talk to your doctor about when these screening tests should begin and how often they should be conducted. Once you have your first mammogram, the doctor will examine the results, discuss them with you and make further recommendations for additional screening and possible treatment if any disease is detected.

Symptom Response

Symptom response is not the best way to diagnose breast cancer, and it is certainly not the best way to catch the disease early. Even so, it is important for all women, no matter what their age or level of risk, to watch out for the signs of breast cancer.

Women who notice a discharge from one or both nipples should contact their doctors right away, as should those who see a change in the size or shape of the breast. Tenderness and pain are also early warning signs, and reasons enough to visit the doctor for a definitive diagnosis. Breast cancer is highly curable when detected in its earliest stages, and responding to symptoms promptly could be very important.

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