![avoid holiday weight gain](https://eagleslandingobgyn.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/avoid-holiday-weight-gain.jpg)
‘Tis the season to gain weight, but if you’re pregnant, adding on the holiday pounds can be dangerous. It’s nearly impossible to avoid gaining some weight over the holidays, but you can minimize the damage by following a few tips. Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN has one goal and that is to ensure you have a healthy and happy pregnancy. Stay on track during the holidays by keeping these things in mind.
Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
Stick to Your Diet When you Can
Nobody wants to avoid holiday treats at all costs, but if you stick to your diet when you are not at a party or holiday dinner, you can avoid adding unnecessary pounds. Enjoy treats at parties and dinners but stick to your diet the rest of the time. Hide the holiday goodie gifts so you don’t eat them at home. Plan and eat your regular meals and snacks when you aren’t celebrating. Stay hydrated as always to prevent hunger pangs. Be good at home and work so you can enjoy the holiday fare at events.
Think French
Even though you are going to enjoy the holiday spreads at parties and dinners, think French while you’re there. Many people wonder how French women stay thin with such a rich and fatty diet and the answer is simple: everything in moderation. Enjoy a tiny bit of everything so you don’t feel deprived. Don’t overeat. This not only adds on pounds but also causes nausea in many pregnant women. Moderate what you eat so you have a taste of everything you want without eating too much.
Stay Active
The holiday season discourages exercise. People sit around and celebrate. Inclement weather drives everyone inside. Don’t fall into this trap. Stay active during the holidays to keep you and your baby healthy. Bundle up if it’s cold outside and go for walks. Be careful of wet or icy sidewalks, of course, but stay moving to avoid gaining weight. If you aren’t comfortable walking outside, head to the mall and do several laps. You’d be surprised how many miles you can actually walk inside a mall.
The key is to be mindful of everything you do and how what you do might cause you to gain weight. Try to avoid stress and keep yourself busy so you aren’t tempted to much on holiday goodies. If you don’t feel well, call Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN in Stockbridge, GA, at 770-474-1919 to schedule an appointment. We’d be happy to offer additional healthy holiday tips during your visit.