How You Can Prepare For Your First Pap Smear

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How You Can Prepare For Your First Pap Smear

Turning 21 is a huge milestone, as it’s seen as what marks the passage into adulthood. And for most women, 21 is the age in which they get their first pap smear with their OB/GYN. A pap smear is a vaginal exam that screens for cervical cancer, and it’s done by taking a swab to collect cells that will then be examined for growths and other abnormalities that would show signs of cancerous cells. While it may be a simple procedure that will only last a few minutes, it can be a source of stress for many young women who have never had it done before. So in order to put your mind at ease and help you prepare for your first pap smear, here are some that you should be informed on so that you can have a stress free experience with your OB/GYN!

What You Should Know

Before you go to your first pap smear, there are some things you should know to help put your mind at ease and help the procedure go smoothly. The first thing you need to do is be familiar with your menstrual cycle so that you can schedule your appointment when you’re sure you won’t be on your period during your procedure. Another thing that is best practice is to avoid vaginal creams, penetrative intercourse, or douching for two days before your exam, as these things may obscure or wash away any cells that could have been detected during your exam. The last thing you can do to make sure your pap smear is a stress free experience is to wear clothes that are comfortable and easy to remove like simple t-shirts, sweatpants or leggings so that you can get dressed and undressed from the waist down for the exam with ease.

What You Can Expect During Your Pap Smear

Once you are at the OB/GYN’s office for the exam, it’s natural to feel nervous, but just know your doctor is there to help and can walk you through the process to put your mind at ease during the procedure. Before your procedure starts, you’ll get undressed and put on a paper hospital gown, and you’ll be laid down on a medical bed and put your feet up on the stirrups. After that, your doctor will put in the speculum, a metal or plastic device that will help keep your vaginal walls apart so that they can swab and take samples of your cervical cells. After this, your pap smear is done, and you can ask your doctor any remaining questions you may have!

For Care You Can Trust, Come To Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN Today!

Whether it’s your first pap smear or your 20th, it can be a nerve racking process. Thankfully, the team of doctors at Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN are here to help your pap smear be successful and stress free! Call or book online for your appointment with Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN today!

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