IUD Side Effects

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IUD Side Effects

An Intrauterine Device or IUD is a common form of birth control utilized by almost 4.5 million women in the United States. These devices are effective in preventing pregnancy. General statistics show that one in 100 women get pregnant when using an IUD as their form of birth control. The IUD is inserted into the uterus by an OB/GYN and comes with rare side effects. Here is what these side effects are.


You may feel cramps as if you were on your period after the IUD has been inserted. Generally, these cramps do not last for more than a few days. If they last longer or are intense, call us right away.


You might feel dizzy or faint after we insert the IUD. It is important to lie down and rest until the sensation passes. Once it does, get up very slowly to avoid sudden dizziness or a fainting spell.

Period Changes

Some women experience changes in their periods once they have an IUD inserted. Your period may get lighter or heavier. You may also spot or experience an irregular schedule for about six months.

Ovarian Cysts

Approximately one in 10 women will end up with cysts on their ovaries after IUD insertion. Do not panic. These cysts are only temporary and tend to dissolve within three months after they develop.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or PID is a rare side effect of an IUD. This means that the uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes get infected by bacteria that entered your body during IUD insertion. Symptoms include

  • Belly pain
  • Painful intercourse
  • Foul discharge
  • Fever/chills
  • Heavy bleeding

Call us immediately if you are having any of these symptoms. We will examine you and run tests to determine if you have PID. If you do have the infection, we will prescribe the proper treatment.

IUD Perforation

This sounds scary, but the side effect is extremely uncommon. The IUD can perforate the uterine wall if you have an inexperienced OB/GYN insert it. We have tons of experience inserting IUDs in our patients.

IUD Expulsion

Finally, an IUD has fallen out of the uterus in 3 percent of women who were previously pregnant. As such, we must advise that IUD expulsion could happen if you have been previously pregnant. This being said, as you can see by the percentage, this is something that only happens on very rare occasions.

If you would like to discuss an IUD as your form of birth control, or if you are having side effects from your IUD, call us today to schedule an appointment.

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