October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month: How To Support Those Affected

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October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month: How To Support Those Affected

In October, the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) promotes Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a campaign to increase awareness of this prolific disease. By taking donations, providing volunteer opportunities, and sharing stories, their mission provides education, support, and early detection services to those affected. Here are a few ways you can help.

Seek Out Educational Opportunities

By understanding symptoms, warning signs and early detection procedures, you increase your knowledge base, thereby creating an opportunity to help yourself or someone you know.

Head to the National Breast Cancer Foundation’s website and sign up to receive its Know the Symptoms Guide, a free checklist of symptoms and how-to tutorials for self-exams. Better yet, talk to your friends and family members and sign up together.

Share Your Story

Many affected individuals report feeling isolated and under-supported. Simply opening up about your experience can help lessen those painful emotions, both in yourself and others. If offering emotional support, the simple act of listening works wonders.

If you’d like to share online but are unsure how to begin, The National Breast Cancer Foundation’s website has a link where you can upload a photo and your story, which could be featured on NBCF’s social media channels.

Make A Donation

Although increased awareness has led to more early screenings and improved treatment, many still lack access to relevant medical care. Since early detection increases survival rates, mammograms are vital, yet the cost (around $150) can be an insurmountable obstacle for the uninsured. With contributions from people like you, NBCF can continue offering diagnostic services and mammograms to those who may otherwise not receive it.

The NBCF website has a link where people can sign up for one-time or monthly donations.

Host a Fundraiser and/or Sign Up to Volunteer

If you have a penchant for fundraising, head to nationalbreastcancer.org and learn how to host an individual, business, or student/ sports fundraiser. Follow the steps and start raising money for awareness and prevention for women everywhere.

This website also makes volunteering with NBCF a no-hassle, straightforward process. For example, you can help pack HOPE Kits or Breast Health Kits, small packages sent to women undergoing breast cancer treatment or attending community events. You can even host a HOPE Kit party so you and your friends can contribute together.

Anyone can help make a difference in the life of someone affected by breast cancer. Whether you give time, money, or the gift of knowledge, every small action helps pave the way for greater awareness and improved care.

For any health concerns, call Eagles Landing OB/GYN at 770-474-1919 today.

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