PMS: Diet Do’s And Dont’s

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PMS: Diet Do's And Dont's

Pre-menstrual syndrome hits most women every month, every year starting since puberty started. It becomes a way of life and symptoms that you deal with. I guess you can take the attitude that I have can get used to it because there is nothing that can be done. However, there are a few approaches that can be taken to help lessen the experience. Ideally, an entire diet overhaul is better than an quick fix just in time for your menstrual cycle. If your diet is healthy all month long your body will be regulated. When you try to fix quickly, your body may not have time to clear out toxins in order to have any impact. Here are a few do’s and don’ts to try.


Salty foods can contribute to the excess bloating that is felt during your menstrual cycle. Processed food including canned and frozen have a high amount of sodium which is disguised in the foods. You may not notice it as salt, however it is very high in sodium. Bloating contributes to the discomfort and annoying feeling you have.


Drink plenty of water to help prevent bloating. Water has many other health benefits, but it also helps to break down any other bad foods you have eaten. Drinking water can help remove toxins in your body and assist with irritability by regulating your bowels.

Coffee And Alcohol

Your favorite Cup o’ Joe or two or three will help to disrupt your sleep and contribute to irritability. Lack of sleep will cause irritability. Alcohol will have the same effect. Limit your alcohol and you will rest well.


During your menstrual cycle your calcium is low. Consider taking a supplement or eating calcium rich foods like yogurt. Increased calcium is reported to have the effect on negative moods, an increase in concentration. There are reports that increased calcium also reduce water retention and lower incidents of pain.

Iron And Lean Protein

When you feel weak, you need to snack smart to maintain your energy level. Make sure that your meals are high in iron and protein. You may be be low in iron and need to have it replaced. Further, to stave off cravings eat lean protein to have energy.


Grab a banana and help limit your cramping due to the potassium. Contact us at Eagles Landing Ob/Gyn and let us provide you with quality ob/gyn care.

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