How your daughter responds to her first period depends on you. We don’t mean to put unnecessary pressure on you, but a first period can be very frightening to a young woman. Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN is here for you and your daughters; women’s health is our specialty. Here are some tips to help you help your daughter get ready for her menstruation so she approaches this life-change positively.
Listen to Yourself
Your daughter will be naturally curious about this change in her life and how you react to your period will reflect on her. If you are negative and refer to menstruation as a “curse” or other frightening connotation, your daughter will grow to dread her period. Don’t be negative about your period. Be positive when talking with your daughter about it. After all, without a period we couldn’t have babies.
Don’t Be Afraid to Be Frank
Be honest with your daughter about how a period happens and why. Also be honest about how this isn’t the end of the world, even for just one week. Girls fear their periods because they imagination bleeding to death. Talk frankly with your daughter about what goes on with her body before, during, and after her monthly menstruation. Also, answer all of her questions honestly to ease her mind.
Band Together
Ease your daughter’s mind by banding with her. Discuss the different options she has for collecting her monthly menstruation and then look at the supplies together. It might be wise to invest in a “first period kit” to allow your daughter to try both pads and tampons to see which she prefers. Teach her how to use the supplies and, as with discussing menstruation above, answer all of her questions honestly.
Gently Prepare Her for the Effects
Finally, without putting fear into your daughter discuss PMS and menstruation discomfort. Let her know what you experience each month and explain to her that she might feel some of these things, too. Assure her this is normal, and also assure her that all symptoms are manageable. Make sure she knows that although her body and mind might feel different each month, she’s just the same.
If you still feel uncomfortable discussing menstruation with your daughter, please call Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN at 770-474-1919 to set up an appointment for her. We are located in Stockbridge, GA, and we’d be happy to sit down with both of you to discuss menstruation and what your daughter can expect once she begins her monthly periods.