Seven Possible Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency

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Vitamin D operates like a hormone in the human body, affecting a variety of your body’s systems. It’s the only vitamin that you can get through your diet and through sun exposure. Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN has this advice for you about what you might experience if you’re deficient in vitamin D.


Depression, including seasonal depression, can lead to vitamin D deficiency. The easiest way for your body to get the vitamin D it needs is by synthesizing it from sunlight exposure. If you’re not getting out much, you might not be getting enough vitamin D. This is a vicious cycle, because being low in vitamin D has implications for mood and mental health, too.

Hair Loss

Several different vitamins and minerals are related to hair health, and vitamin D is one of them. If you’re experiencing hair loss, this could be a sign that you’re deficient in vitamin D. Getting your levels checked can help you to determine if it’s vitamin D causing the problem or possibly something else.

Weight Gain

There’s a big correlation between weight gain and vitamin D. As far as which one causes which, the jury is still out. But if you’re gaining weight inexplicably, it’s also possible that you’re deficient in vitamin D. It’s worth finding out for sure.

Muscle Pains

Many people who are vitamin D deficient also experience odd cramps or pain in their muscles. Some people even find that gentle touch can be painful until they’re able to increase their vitamin D levels. If you’re having unusual muscle cramping or pain, get tested for vitamin D levels.

Frequent Illnesses or Slow-healing Wounds

Vitamin D is involved in so much of overall health and well-being, including keeping your immune system strong. If you’re getting sick often or you’re finding that small wounds are taking their sweet time healing, that could be a sign that you’re deficient in vitamin D. 

Bone Loss

Most people know about calcium for keeping bones strong, but vitamin D is also crucial for bone health. It helps calcium to absorb, so if you’re deficient in vitamin D but taking calcium you still might experience bone loss. It’s important to stay up to date on how well your bones are doing, especially if you have a family history of osteoporosis.


Having too little vitamin D can also leave you feeling exhausted, even if you think you’re getting plenty of rest. Fatigue can lead to other issues, like depression and losing interest in what’s going on in your life. Increasing your vitamin D levels is a fast fix that might be exactly what your body needs.

Not sure what’s going on with your vitamin D levels? Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN in Stockbridge, GA can help. Contact us today to set up an appointment.

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