Seven Reasons for a Heavier Period than Normal

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Heavier period than normal

Heavy bleeding during your period can be frustrating and even scary. Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN wants you to know that heavy bleeding means that you’re going through more than one pad or tampon every hour for several hours in a row. There are other factors as well, but that’s a general rule of thumb. 


Fibroids are tumors that grow in the uterus, attached to the wall of the uterus. They’re very common for many women, and they can cause heavy bleeding which may appear to be a period. There’s usually a good deal of pain along with uterine fibroids, which is typically how they’re discovered. 


PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, affects how the ovaries function and therefore how menstrual cycles run. PCOS can cause you to experience a lack of periods, but it can also cause weight gain which can contribute to heavier than normal periods. Some women with PCOS tend to experience longer periods, too, not just heavier periods.

Thyroid Problems

When your thyroid isn’t functioning properly, that affects a lot of aspects of your health, including your period. Many women with thyroid issues find that their periods stop when their thyroid is doing worse. But it can also cause heavier periods than usual.


During perimenopause, your body experiences hormone fluctuations that make periods a lot less predictable than they were before. That can mean that periods last longer, that they arrive early or late, and that the flow is much heavier or lighter than usual. 

Rapid Weight Gain

Gaining weight quickly is something else that can happen for a variety of reasons. If that happens, estrogen may increase, which can cause the uterine lining to thicken. Thicker uterine linings mean heavier periods, and those periods may also be longer, too.


Miscarriages can mimic heavy periods, particularly in the earliest stages of pregnancy. Many women may not even realize that they’re pregnant and then experience what seems to be just a heavy period. There are multiple reasons this can happen that can include hereditary illnesses, autoimmune illnesses, and so much more.


Finally, cancer may be one of the things you think about when you experience a super heavy period. The fear may even keep you from talking to your doctor. If you’re experiencing heavy bleeding, always talk to your doctor to get a full picture of what’s going on.

Need to know why you’re experiencing heavy periods? Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN in Stockbridge, GA can help you to understand what’s happening with your body so that you aren’t in the dark.

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