Signs I Have Endometriosis

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Signs I Have Endometriosis

The tissue that lines your uterus and sheds during each menstrual period is called the endometrium. Endometriosis causes the endometrium to grow outside of the uterus, as well. This tissue grows on the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and pelvic tissue lining, too. When you have your period, the tissue sheds and gets trapped in the pelvic area. This is called endometriosis. Here are the signs you have endometriosis.


Dysmenorrhea means extremely painful periods. You will experience pain throughout your period that may leave you in bed with a heating pad. The pain will extend into the abdominal area and your lower back. You will not feel relief from the pain until your period subsides.

Heavy Periods

You may also suffer from extremely heavy periods if you have endometriosis. You may not be able to control the flow with regular tampons or pads. You may also experience intermenstrual bleeding, which means you bleed in between your scheduled menstrual cycles.


The heavy periods can leave you feeling fatigued because you are losing too much blood. It’s important to seek help from an OB/GYN if you are bleeding excessively. You may be hemorrhaging, which is a severe condition that requires emergency medical help.

Intercourse Pain

Endometriosis can also cause pain when you are having sex. In severe cases, the pain may be unbearable and you may need to ask your partner to stop. Painful intercourse is also a sign of other problems such as uterine or ovarian cancer, so schedule an appointment right away.

Painful Bowel Movements

Endometriosis can also make it very painful to go to the bathroom, including when you urinate. In most cases, you will experience pain when you have a bowel movement every time that you have a bowel movement. Painful urination can also be a sign of a bladder infection.


Endometriosis can also leave you constipated before your period only to end up with diarrhea once your period starts. You may also experience one or the other without experiencing both. In addition to constipation and diarrhea, you may also get nauseous around your period.

Excessive Bloating

Finally, you not only have the endometrium growing inside of your uterus but also in your pelvic area when you have endometriosis. Consequently, you may bloat more than you normally would if you didn’t have this condition. This can increase your discomfort exponentially.

Schedule an appointment with our office if you suspect that you have endometriosis. There are treatments that can make your periods more tolerable and your life much easier.

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