Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer That Require Immediate Attention

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Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer That Require Immediate Attention

As with any cancer, the sooner we catch ovarian cancer the better chance of a complete recovery. Thankfully, ovarian cancer can produce symptoms at the early stages of the disease, which helps us treat the condition before it spreads. If you have any of the problems listed below, call our office right away, as these are signs of ovarian cancer.

Abdominal Pain

Pain in the lower abdomen is common with ovarian cancer. This pain can be severe enough to leave you incapacitated. The pain may get worse when you have your period, and you will experience the abdominal pain between your periods, as well. It may be a constant thing.

Abdominal Swelling

Your abdomen may also swell if you have ovarian cancer. Oddly, your abdomen size will increase but you will lose weight. The swelling will increase the discomfort you feel in your abdomen. You may find it particularly difficult to get comfortable when you are laying down.

Appetite Loss

In fact, the swelling can leave you feeling full all the time or nauseous, and you may lose your desire to eat. Eating may increase the abdominal discomfort no matter how light of a meal you have. This, naturally, causes an increase in the weight loss you experience.

Back Pain

Back pain in your lower back is also a sign of ovarian cancer. The pain may be manageable at first, only to get worse as the cancer spreads. Take any back you have seriously, as it can also be a sign of other types of cancers as well as endometriosis in menstruating women.


As if the above were not bad enough, ovarian cancer can make you bloat. This goes in tandem with the abdominal swelling in many cases, leaving you to feel uncomfortable all the time. You may be unable to sleep because when you lie down, you feel pressure in your abdomen.


The tumors growing on the ovaries can also impede your ability to have normal bowel movements. This may leave you constipated or create fecal matter that is dented or misshapen. The tumors may also cause pain when you are having intercourse with your partner.

Heavy/Irregular Periods

If you are still menstruating, you may notice a difference in your periods. They may get extremely heavy, causing you to bleed through super tampons or overnight pads. Your periods may also become irregular or more frequent, leaving you to guess your menstrual schedule.

Urinary Urgency

Finally, the tumors can also apply pressure on your bladder. When this happens, you will feel urgent needs to urinate and may urinate frequently. In fact, you may suffer from urinary incontinence if the tumors are large and spreading.

Do not take chances. Even if you only have one or more of the symptoms listed above, schedule an appointment with us so we can make sure your ovaries are healthy and free of tumors.

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