Tips For Your Well Visit To Your OB/GYN

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Things You Should Know

We at Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN know that the most powerful way to have a healthy visit is through prevention. Although you may feel fine, your exam with your gynecologist is not something to put off. With regular checkups, different forms of cancer have a higher success rate of treatment, when spotted earlier rather than later.

Cancer Prevention

There are so many advantages to having an annual gynecological wellness exam but at the top of the list is preventing cancer. By having an annual pap smear, early indicators can be detected ad will help protect you in the long term.

If you are 21 years of age or older, having a yearly pap smear is recommended. It is important that during your first or returning pap smear visit, you share your personal and family history. This is very helpful in predicting and preventing any medical concerns.

Which Birth Control Should I Use?

There are multiple different types of birth control that not only prevent pregnancy but it is an important decision for your overall sexual health. Your gynecologist will go over options that will fit your situation best, whether is a short-term option or long-term unplanned pregnancy prevention.

Having a plan for pregnancy prevention is an important responsibility for women and their significant others. Whether you choose oral contraception or one that can be implanted, your gynecologist can explain the benefits. 

Breast Cancer Prevention with Your Annual Mammogram

We all know that breast cancer is a very serious disease that women mostly face. If you have it detected early enough, it can have a significant impact on your long-term health and prognosis. Also, depending on your age, your gynecologist will recommend that you have a yearly mammogram as part of your woman’s wellness visit. If you ever have questions or concerns about your gynecology visit, it is important that you reach out to your dr right away. It is important that you feel you have all the answers to your questions.

If you have any concerns about your overall women’s health, call us at Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN or send an appointment request through our email us tab, at the top of our website, so we can help! We look forward to helping you with your wellness visit and will always have your health best interest at heart.

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