Understanding The Five Love Languages – Focus On The Family

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Understanding The Five Love Languages - Focus On The Family

By now, you’ve probably heard the term love languages, and you’ve likely surmised that most people associate the five languages with romantic partnerships. While a person’s favored expression of love–one that speaks most clearly to his or her sensibilities–can be essential to making that person feel emotionally connected, this concept can and should be applied to all close relationships, especially those between parents and children.

As parenting trends change it can feel overwhelming, and you might find yourself questioning how to show your family love in ways that matter. At the end of the day, however, if you can understand the love language your child speaks, you’ll own the key to their heart. As such, you’ll provide the love and security they need to manage childhood and adolescence with minimal trauma.

Here’s a breakdown of each love language:

Words of Affirmation

Vocal encouragement and praise are at the heart of the parent-child relationship. As your little one learns to walk, you stand across the room clapping and shouting, “Yes, you can do it! Such a big girl!” When that sweet toddler sprains her ankle at a volleyball tournament years later, you’re right there telling her how brave she is. Some children need these words more than others. They need consistent, meaningful affirmation to feel loved.

Physical Touch

Some children want to be all over you all the time. It’s not enough to sit beside you; they want to be in your lap. Hugs and kisses mean everything to these individuals. You can show affection in every other way, but without tender touches, they will not feel fully loved.


Though this love language can be mistaken for materialism, such a simplistic approach ignores the effort and thoughtfulness behind gift-giving. A child who feels love through receiving gifts thrives on the understanding that you thought about her and took time to give her what she wants and needs.

Quality Time

For some children, singular, focused attention is everything. Regardless of the activity, they need one-on-one connection to feel fulfilled. Eye contact is important when they’re younger, and conversations become essential as they age. These children need you to put everything else away and just be with them.

Acts of Service

Most parents spend a lot of time doing things for their children, especially when the kids are young. It bears noting, though, that for someone who speaks this love language, your attitude is key. For an act of service to feel like love, the parent must be positive and caring throughout. Begrudgingly looking for a lost pair of glasses (again) won’t cut it.

Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN in Stockbridge, GA wants you and your family to thrive. For any questions or concerns regarding pregnancy or parenting, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 770-474-1919.

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