What Happens When You Reduce Your Sugar Intake?

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If you’re looking to be healthier overall, a great place to start is with reducing sugar intake. This does a lot for your moods and for your physical health. Here’s what Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN wants you to know.

You Might Lose Weight

Calories from sugar are what’s called “empty” calories because there’s little nutritive value in them. That said, if you cut back on your sugar intake you just might find yourself losing a little bit of weight. Some of that is water weight, but the rest is excess weight that pops up when excess sugar gets stored as fat in your body.

You Might Ditch Some Brain Fog

If you’ve been having issues with brain fog, it might be a good idea to look at how much sugar you’re eating. Cutting back a little bit on your sugar intake can have some great results in terms of how you feel mentally. There are other factors, of course, but it couldn’t hurt.

Your Immune System Might Bounce Back

Sugar causes your body to experience more inflammation, and that puts your immune system into an overworked state. By cutting back a little bit on the sugar, you also reduce inflammation and let your immune system recover a bit. You might notice you just start feeling better.

You Could Slow Down the Aging Process

There’s a lot of speculation about aging and sugar intake. Eating a diet that is high in nutrients, like one that is full of whole foods, lean protein, and fruits and veggies, doesn’t leave a lot of room for you to take in a lot of sugar. Also, reducing inflammation throughout your body is bound to make you look and feel younger.

You’ll Get Better Sleep

You probably don’t realize it right now, but sugar keeps your body on a rollercoaster. You ride the “sugar high” up and then crash eventually. When you’re eating a lot of sugar, that up and down rhythm can interfere with your sleep cycles. Lots of sugar also interferes with hormone function, which can dramatically impact your sleep quality.

Are you looking for other ways to get your hormones under better control and maybe shed a few excess pounds while you’re at it? There are a lot of different ways that we may be able to help you to do that at Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN in Stockbridge, GA. Contact us today to set up an appointment.

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