Before you select your birth control method, ask yourself some very important questions. How you choose to control pregnancy now can directly affect you later. Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN helps our patients select the best birth control options for their needs and lifestyles. Here are some important questions you should ask yourself before you decide on your form of control.
How Does Birth Control Work?
Contraception works in different ways depending on the type of contraception you choose. To prevent pregnancy, birth control will either
- Stop sperm from reaching your egg
- Kill the sperm
- Stop ovulation
- Prevent fertilized eggs from attaching to your uterine wall
- Increase cervical mucus to block sperm passage
No matter the method of prevention you prefer, you must use your birth control properly in order for it to be effective. Consistency is the key to preventing pregnancy.
What if I Decide I Want Children?
This is one of the things we discuss with our patients. You may want to prevent pregnancy now and plan for a family in a year or two. Family planning allows us to recommend birth control choices that can be easily stopped, such as barrier or short-acting hormone methods for short-term birth control, or an IUD for women who aren’t planning a family for five to 10 years.
What If I Need Birth Control for Other Reasons?
Your health or lifestyle should also be considered in your birth control choice. For example, if getting pregnant is dangerous to your health, permanent sterilization is the best form of birth control. If you live a lifestyle in which you enjoy multiple sex partners, using condoms should be your birth control choice to not only prevent pregnancy but also to protect you from sexually-transmitted diseases.
What Are Birth Control’s Side Effects?
Different types of contraception come with different side effects. Your medical history will determine the type of birth control that is safest for you. This is another thing we discuss thoroughly with our patients. For example, if you have a family history of breast and/or uterine cancer or strokes, the pill would not be a good form of birth control for you as increased cancer and stroke risk is a side effect.
Other considerations as to which contraception is the best option for you include your age, medical history, menstruation, relationships, religion, reproductive goals, and side effect tolerance. Between the two of us, we can determine the best birth control method for you. Set up an appointment at Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN today by calling 770-474-1919.