What You Need To Know About Endometriosis

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What You Need To Know About Endometriosis

Endometriosis, sometimes known as “endo”, is a fairly common health problem for women. Endometriosis occurs when the issue that makes up the inner lining of the uterus grows outside of the womb, commonly in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and outer surface of the uterus, but the tissue can also grow in more concerning areas like the cervix, vagina, bowels, or bladder. Endometriosis has affected millions of women over the age of 15, and is most prevalent in women in their 30’s and 40’s. Thankfully, with the right care, women can get an accurate diagnosis for Endometriosis, and find treatment that can help with the symptoms.

Symptoms of Endometriosis

There are several symptoms linked to endometriosis, and depending on the severity, they can make maintaining daily functions difficult. Some of the symptoms of endometriosis include:

  • Painful and irregular periods
  • Bleeding and spotting between menstrual periods
  • Infertility
  • Digestive problems

Pain is definitely the most prevalent symptom of endometriosis, and the most difficult to maintain daily functions with. People with endometriosis experience several different types of pain, with varying levels of severity. With endometriosis, pain during your menstrual periods can be debilitating, and you can even develop chronic lower back and pelvic pain. If you’ve been experiencing excessive pain during your period accompanied by any other symptoms, talk to your doctor or OB/GYN about the possibility of endometriosis.

How Does Endometriosis Get Diagnosed and Treated?

If you’ve been experiencing symptoms related to endometriosis, there are a few ways you can get a diagnosis and treatment from a doctor. Some ways doctors can diagnose patients with endo include pelvic exams and ultrasounds, but the only way to know for sure if the endometriosis diagnosis is accurate is perform a surgery referred to as a Laparoscopy. A laparoscopy is a type of surgery that allows doctors to look inside your pelvic area to be able to see the growth of uterine tissue.

Once you have a diagnosis for endo, there are a few different methods for treatment and symptom management. The most common endometriosis treatment method is a hormonal birth control prescription to be able to balance out and regulate the pain that can occur during the menstrual period. For more severe cases, surgery to remove the uterine tissue is also an option.

For Endometriosis Help, Come To Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN

If you’ve been experiencing symptoms related to endometriosis, come to the team at Eagle’s Landing OB/GYN in Stockbridge, GA, for expert help and treatment. To make your appointment, feel free to give us a call or schedule online.

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